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有跳槽金的网站有哪些 2025-03-10 04:57:26
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发布时间: 2023-10-29 13:09:33

1. 英语口语情景对话,网恋,A见网友B,十分好奇

A team of psychologists reviewed online dating sites and their conclusions are not promising. 一个心理学研究小组揭示了婚恋网站和它的前景不容乐观。 Online dating might give you something, but it’s probably not a soulmate. 网上相亲也许是一个途径,但可能并不能达到彼此心灵的契合。 Most sites rely on what’s called an “exclusive process”—they use an algorithm to find romantic matches based variables, from interests to fetishes. But now a team of psychologists from five universities has performed a systematic review. And they say that most claims for the power of the “exclusive process” don’t pan out. Their report is in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 很多网站依靠"专门方法”--使用运算法则通过对不同人爱好和喜欢事物的分类来进行一次浪漫的网上配对。但目前,来自五个不同大学的心理学家一同做了一个系统性的回顾。他们认为这种“专门方法”根本不起作用。相关报告发表在公众爱好杂志(The Public Interest)心理科学版面上。 The existing “matching algorithms” miss key variables for long-term love. They necessarily make matches before the parties meet. But studies show that the strongest predictors of solid relationships are a couple’s live interaction style and ability to handle stress.Data about characteristics like personality and attitudes cannot accurately predict how that real life interaction will function. 现有的“运算法则配对“对于双方长期的爱慕发展缺少了一个关键的不确定因素。在双方见面前这样配对是有必要的。但研究表明要保持稳固的双方关系,需要他们彼此之间沟通和能够处理问题的态度。数据则不能准确地测出人们在实际生活中的性格和处事方式。 The scientists also note that online profile photos are poor proxies for the chemistry sparked by meeting in the flesh. Which leads to a lot of disappointing coffee dates. And many potentially successful matches never happen. 科学家也指出网上的资料照片是实际见面之前一个糟糕的代替品。它会让人们觉得约会很令人失望。这让原本有发展的两个人也失去了结缘的机会。 Of course the researchers admit online dating helps singles meet more people more quickly. And so might still lead to that magic match. But that’s statistics, not psychology. 当然,研究人员承认网上相亲能够帮助更多的单身男女寻找到更多的伴侣候选人,也可能会让他们走向那神奇的配对成功体验。但这仅是数据统计,并非是寻找到伴侣的成功数。