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发布时间: 2022-05-16 08:42:46

1. 英语求翻译ten to one it will clear up in an hour or so

ten to one
clear up

2. 哪里可以下五种英语基本句子结构的练习题





3. What’s up.在英文中有几种用法,几种意思

what's up 在英文中, 95% 的时候是指到底怎么了,发生什么了的意思。
另外,what's up 跟to 连用,还有正在忙什么的意思, eg. what's he up to 他在忙什么。

4. 自己做的网站 upanso/Te0S0S 为啥打不开!












5. 200分中译英(网站上翻的不要,高手请来)有加分!

In this report, we will analyze Xerox Corporation, which once was a top-rated manufacturer for copiers, printers, document-processing equipment and other modern equipment.

Firstly, we will briefly introce the company's proction and background, followed by it's unique management. As we all know, management has for basic functionalities, namely, planning, organizing, controlling and leading. In this report, we will pay speical attention and concentrate on planning and controlling, which are most representative of the company's management. The reason they are representative is that Xerox was able to grab an absolute leading position in the instry in the earlier stage as a result of their pioneer executive management team's unique and effective management techniques. Unfortunitely, Xerox did not manage sustain the success as the later management teams failed to recognize the keen competition hidden in later stage of the instry development and to implement an effective multi-element stretagy. Whichever the case, the company's management team is the deciding factor.(之所以说它有代表性,是因为正是由于公司高层前期独特的管理手段使施乐公司在一段时期内处于绝对的世界领先地位,以及施乐公司后期对存在的巨大竞争这个重要因素的忽视,和实施过于多元化战略的失误,导致最后的困境,公司的管理都起着决定性的作用。-->这句话太长了,说实话,我觉得中文都有语病,没太看懂是什么意思的说。只翻译了个大概,不满意的话就自己再改改吧。还有那个"多元化战略",是Multi-什么呢?不及的了,以前Management学的都还给老师了。。。) In our report, we will use the following four topics to describe how Xerox started off with absolute competitional advantage and eventually found itself in hardship now.
topic 1: Human Resource
Topic 2:Environmental Concern
Topic 3: Company's Main Business and Competition
Topic 4: Rogue's Decision-making in Economic Crisis(什么叫“无赖决策”啊??)

Lastly, we will summary the factors that made Xerox in hardship in terms of planning and controlling, where Xerox went wrong and ended up with selling majority of their stocks to the Fuji, a Japanese company.

In 1938,a patent lawyer and amateur inventor, Chester F. Carlson, successfully proced the very first 静电复印图像 (这个词什么意思啊?static electrically copied image???) in a small laboratory in New York. After companies including IBM and GM had shown no interest in this invention, Chester F. Carlson finally managed to secure contract with Battelle Memorial Institute in 1944 and founed the first Xerox copier manufacturing factory in 1955.
Now, Xerox has 92,500 employees including their CEO Paul A. Allaire and has numerous branch offices and business in Canada, China, Brazil, Japan and many other countries. Xerox has indeed made siginicant contributions to instries from the printer, copier, fax machinem and scanner to document proction and management and remained in world's top 500. (世界500强有专有名词吧?big 500?不清楚。而且楼住,您中文很烂耶,标点都没有好好标,完全没办法断句,叫人怎么翻译??你后面的那个“从1980到1998”到底是指世界500强这件事,还是获得重大奖项这件事??我就当作是指后面的了啊,错了你自己改吧) From 1980 to 1998,Xerox had won many national or international awards including the highest quality award in Japan - Deming Prize and was nominated as one of the world's best 100 workplaces.

Critical analysis:
The above two topics provide an analysis of how Xerox planned for employee philosophy and social philosophy (总觉得“员工理念”、“社会理念”都应该有专有的词组,应该不是我这么翻译的。不过也不太明白你的“理念”是什么意思) and how Xerox controlled in order to achieve their organizational objective.

2、楼主给我的感觉,貌似这个是个口头报告(oral presentation),所以就按照口头报告的方式写了,如果是书面报告的话,麻烦楼主先把自己的中文版好好修改一下,到时候我再改我的。楼主一直都用逗号,不知道您一句话到底说到了哪里,令我翻译得很崩溃的。

6. up juniors 在哪下的到

1 瓦里纳说他没有女朋友~~~~~ 瓦里纳说他没有女朋友~~~~~
do you have a girlfriend你有没有女朋友

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔

Join us again for the next Live Chat from Paris Golden League meeting加入我们的行列,再次为未来的生活聊天,从巴黎黄金联赛会议
Thank you everyone, Thank you Jeremy谢谢大家,谢谢你杰里米

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Good bye for now!再见现在!
Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Thank you for all your questions, sorry if I didn't get to answer your questions. If I end up winning the Jackpot we'll be doing another one in Brussels so I will be looking forward to answering more questions at that time谢谢您的所有问题,很抱歉,如果我没有得到回答您的问题,如果我最终赢得大奖,我们将做另一次则是在布鲁塞尔,所以我将期待着回答更多的问题在当时的

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Being that I never knew I was a sex symbol, it feels pretty good!正在我从来不知道我是一个性别的象征,感觉不错!
People say that you are a fan favorite for the ladies. how does it feel to be a sex symbol人说,你是一个喜爱的范为女士们。如何,是否觉得是一个性别的象征

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Thank you I hope it turns out good!谢谢你,我希望原来好!
AnnalieseG annalieseg
You are amazing and absolutely incredible to watch. You rip up the top curve and are humble which makes you a true champion! I am creating a life sized 2D representation of you at school for my Design&Technology project. Good luck for 2008!你是了不起的和绝对令人难以置信的观赏。您撷取了顶端曲线,并谦虚使你一个真正的冠军!我创造了生命的大中型二维代表你在学校为我的设计与科技项目。好运,为2008年!

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
stay focus and run your race the way you know how. Don't try and change at the last second逗留的重点和运行你的种族的方式,您知道如何。不要试图改变在最后第二
what advice will you give to me as a 16 year old,going to the world juniors this year??有什么意见,您给我作为一个16岁,走向世界的后辈今年吗?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
No i'm not running the 200没有,我没有运行200
Ogge ogge
Do you think that you're going to take the gold medal in the Olympic Games later this year? (200 m)你认为你打算采取的金牌在奥运会上在今年稍后时间? ( 200米)

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Yes I will be at all 6 Golden League events是的,我会在所有6个黄金联赛活动
Teo78 teo78
Will you race the Golden Gala in Rome??你会种族的黄金大笪地在罗马吗?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
to me it doesn't matter what lane I have coz it's all 400 metres but I prefer lanes 3 to 8. I hate 1 and 2给我不要紧,什么里我有正版游戏,它的所有400米,但我宁愿线3至8 。我恨1和第2款
do you prefer inner or outer lanes for race 400¿你喜欢的内或外通道种族400 ¿

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
It felt great running at Penn Relays, it reminded me of running in Europe with the way the crowd was. So much energy and support of all the athletes它认为,伟大的运行在宾州继电器,它提醒我,运行在欧洲与方式的人群。了这么多的能源和各方面的支持运动员
EJ ej
Jeremy Wariner, I actually met you at the penn relays right after I ran and it was awesome. How did it feel to run in your first penn relays?杰里米沃瑞纳尔,其实我会见了您在宾州大学的继电器权后,我参加,这是可怕。它是如何的感觉来说,在您的第一宾州继电器?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
for our speed training we do a lot of 150 and 250s为我们的速度训练,我们做了很多的150和250s
speed again速度再次
what do you do for pure speed training怎么办纯速度训练

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
I like to mess around with my cars and play video games我想一塌糊涂,周围与我的车和玩视频游戏
JW, WHat is your favorite thing to do in your spare time.系列JW ,什么是您最喜爱的事在您的闲暇时间。

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
If you're talking about the New York meet, then I think it's going to be a really good race between Tyson and Usain but I've heard the weather will not be that good so I'm interested to see how the race will end up. I'm rooting for Tyson如果您谈到设在纽约的会晤,那么我认为这将是一个真正的好种族之间的泰森和usain ,但我听说过,天气将不会好,所以我很有兴趣,看看如何在比赛将结束。我生根,为泰森
what do you think about the match up in the 100m for men您怎么看有关的比赛,在男子百米

Tez tez
Jeremy, there are sayins that one cannot peak for more than 1 year! How have you managed to continue great form since 2004?杰里米,有sayins之一,不能高峰期为1年以上!你如何管理,继续伟大的形式,自2004年以来?
Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Well, each year I work harder than I did the last. We go back and look at our training from the year before and see what I did and try and better it the next year那么,每年我工作的难度比我过去,我们回去看看我们的训练从一年前和见我所做的尝试和更好的,它在未来一年

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Since it's those 2 teams I will be going for the Celtics. I'm a Kevin Garnett fan so that's why I would be rooting for them but I was rooting for the Mavericks until they got knocked out of the first round因为它的那些2队,我会去为凯尔特人队。我是一个加内特范,所以这就是为什么我会生根为他们,但我是生根,为小牛队,直到他们得到淘汰第一轮

作者: 222.216.147.*作者: 222.216.147 * 2008-6-3 00:52 回复此发言 2008年6月3日00:52 回复此发言


2二 瓦里纳说他没有女朋友~~~~~ 瓦里纳说他没有女朋友~~~~~
Graham F格雷厄姆f
Are you a basketball fan? who will you be rooting for in the NBA finals The Lakers or the Celtics?您是一位篮球范,谁你生根,为在NBA总决赛湖人队或凯尔特人队?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
When I was 18 my pb was 45.57当我18我的铅是45.57
Hello Jeremy, I'm a big fan of yours since I saw how you ran at the last Olympics in Athens. I also compete in 400m races and out of curiousity what was your time at age 18?您好:杰里,我的一大范你,因为我看到你如何然在上次奥运会在雅典,我也竞争,在400米比赛和出于curiousity什么是您的时间,在18岁以下?
do you forecast competing 2016 Olympics你预测的竞争2016年奥运会

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
I would love to run in the 2016 Olympics but it all depends on how well my body stays healthy for the rest of my career我会爱运行在2016年奥运会,但所有视乎如何,以及我的身体保持健康至于其余的我的职业生涯
Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Yes that is true I will be running it in Ostrava. As for breaking that world record that's kind of far out there. 30.8 is moving but we'll see what happens!是这是事实,我将运行它在俄斯特拉发。至于打破这一世界纪录的种至今存在。 8月30日是移动,但我们将看看会发生什么!
Graham F格雷厄姆f
I heard you'll be running a 300m this season, is this true? Do you think you can break the WR?我听到你将运行300米本赛季,这是真的吗?你认为你可以打破西铁?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
I want to defend my titles as long as I run and become the greatest 400 runner ever!我想捍卫我的冠军只要我来说,成为最大的400亚军!
Teo78 teo78
After second Olympic gold and world record,what do you want??Excuse me for my english.之后,第二个奥运金牌和世界纪录,你怎么想? ?借口,我的英语。

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Do I? Yes I do. My goal is to try and break the world record and to do that I know I'm gonna have to run the perfect race; with that being said I already know how I am if I do break the world record, I'm still gonna find something wrong in that race我呢?是我,我的目标是要尝试,并打破了世界纪录和这样做,我知道我在哪里有运行的完美种族;与正说,我已经知道如何,我如果我不打破世界纪录,我还是在哪里找到一些错误的,在那场比赛

Jeremy do you run in search of the perfect race?杰里米你来说,在寻找完美的种族呢?
Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
If I need a new challenge I will go down to the 200, I feel better in the sprints. The 800 is way too long for me如果我需要一个新的挑战,我会继续回落到200 ,我觉得更好地在短跑。八百方式是太长,我
Jeremy, How about trying the 800m. No American is at Johnny Gray's level. And, you could seriously challenge the AR of 1:42.60 and perhaps Kipketer's 1:41.11. You own the 400m so I think you need a different challenge.杰里米,又如何尝试800米。没有美国是在约翰尼灰色的水平。而且,您可能会严重挑战的AR的1:42.60 ,也许•基普克特的1:41.11 。你自己的400米,所以我认为你需要一个不同的挑战。

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
As of right now all I know of is Rome and Paris, I might run one or two more after that but just don't know which ones yet的权利,现在所有我知道的是,罗马和巴黎,我可能会运行一个或两个以上后,但只是不知道哪些尚未
Klaetscher klaetscher
How many races do you plan to run after the US Olympic trials in preparation for Beijing有多少比赛,你的计划,运行后,美国奥运审讯中,准备为北京

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Yes I will be aiming for the Golden League Jackpot along side US Trials and the Olympic Games是的,我会的目标是黄金联赛大奖的旁边,美国的审判和奥运会
Graham F格雷厄姆f
Will you be aiming for the Golden League jackpot this season?将你的目标是黄金联赛的大奖本赛季呢?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Getting in the weigth room is important to keep my strength up ring the long season. We don't do squats because it's bad on our kness, so we usually just do leg press.越来越,在weigth室重要的是要保留我的实力了,在漫长的赛季,我们不这样做蹲,因为它的坏在我们的kness ,所以我们通常只腿做新闻。
Jeremy, how important is the gym for you, i would like to know how much do you squat and bench?杰里米,如何重要的是,健身房为您,我想知道有多少,你蹲下和法官?

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
I don't ever plan on running a certain time. I just go out there and run the hardest no matter what. My goal is to go out there and break each meet's record. The meet record here is 43.94...so that is my goal我不以往任何时候都计划对运行在某一时间,我只是走出去,有和运行最难无论什么。我的目标是走出去有打破每个符合的纪录。满足的纪录是43.94 ...这就是我的目标
jeremy, i was wondering wot sort of time u are planning to run tomorow, please give mea an accurate estimation, im very interested to compare杰里,我想知道wot排序的时间u正计划运行tomorow ,请给予多边环境协定的一个准确的估计,即时通讯非常有兴趣比较

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
Well I never really did quit school, I took two years off to focus on training but after the Olympics are over I will go back to school to get my degree以及我从来没有真的退学,我花了两年时间起飞,以侧重于培训,但奥运会后,超过我会回去学校让我的程度
Charel charel
When did you quit schoolß您是在什么时候退出schoolß

Jeremy Wariner杰里米沃瑞纳尔
No that is not true没有这是不正确的
hi jeremy i also went to lamar high school and my teacher tells me there was a kid in the year below you who used to beat you in practice but chose to play football instead, is this true?喜杰里,我也去拉马尔高中和我的老师告诉我,有一个孩子在一年以下的,你用谁打你,但在实践中选择踢足球,而是这是真的吗?

7. 各位音乐大神, so tonight ananananna nananana好像是韩国的男生唱的 问了好多人都熟悉但不知道是啥

作曲:Park Sung Ho
填词:Park Sung Ho.甄健强
编曲:Park Sung Ho
监制:Park Sung Ho
Hey' man Give me that Funk!!
Yeah (oh) yeah (oh) yeah
ghetto sound present you know
as you promise ye (that you right)
Oh' turn it up know
战意 无情地燃烧 turn it up turn it up~ shake it!!
사랑 따윈 믿지 않아 날 약하게 만들뿐야
혼자가 나는 좋아 그게 나니까
tonight' so fine 音乐反而追着心跳
tonight' for you 내 최면에 이끌리는 너
get get get your feel good good good to go
oh oh oh my baby 演化出我自己的轨道
oh oh oh my baby 我要把我学过的忘掉
快得 快要看不到猛得不需要炫耀
我把我自己都忘掉 turn it up turn it up~ shake it!!
사랑 따원 믿지 않아 영원 따위 믿지 않아
널린게 남자니까 그게 나니까
tonight' so fine 我的周围都在海啸
oh oh oh my baby 目光是最有效的燃料
oh oh oh my baby 最拿手的亮出来就好
Oh I'm Untouchable 내게는 BEA so beautiful
너와나 영원히 변치 않는 내 Baby boom
Can I get up! Can I get up!
Oh make you move it 쿵쿵거리는 이 Beat에
내 심장을 맡겨버려 이 밤이 다 가버려도 되
살짝 이 분위기 취해봐도 되
Ready (get it) Ready (get it)Ready (get it) Right get it
tonight' so far. Right' get get get your feel
good good good to go
tonight' for you . Right' get get get your feel

8. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone_D_ an opportun

在以so that引导的状语从句中,谓语常用虚拟语气“may, might, can, could, will, would, should + 动词原形”构成的,may表示的肯定程度低。


英[ʃəd; ʃʊd]美[ʃəd; ʃʊd]

aux. 应该;就;可能;将要;本当;竟然



That Should Be Me那个人是我 ; 那个人该是我 ; 那个人应该是我 ; 只是我

So should it matter所以真的有关系吗 ; 这没有什么 ; 那有什么呢

Maybe I should give up是不是应该放弃 ; 是不是应当废弃 ; 是否应该抛却 ; 或许我应该放弃

Should be应尽量 ; 应该是 ; 应该的 ; 应某





③“should+动词不定式的完成式”表示在某时间之前应已完成但没有完成的行为; 也可表示在某一时间之前做了的事情是应当做的。

④should常与疑问词连用表示不感兴趣、难以相信等较强烈的感情。⑤should常用在lest, that, so that, in order that引导的从句中,表示期望、结果或目的。

9. 关于“up”的短语,一网打尽

Do you find it easy to pick up (learn quickly) new English words? Or maybe you recognise the words but find it difficult to understand or remember the meaning? Well, don’t worry! There is always a way to remember different patterns or phrases. So, cheer up (improve your mood) and let’s find out how you can categorise these phrasal verbs for easier memorising.你觉得学英语新单词容易吗?或者也许你能认出单词,但却发现很难理解或记住它的意思?好吧,别担心!总有一种方法可以记住不同的模式或短语。所以,振作起来(改善你的情绪),让我们来看看如何将这些短语动词分类,以便于记忆。If you noticed, I said UP two times. A phrasal verb is a phrase that consists of a verb with a preposition or adverb (or both), and the meaning of this phrase is different from what the indivial words would mean when used alone. (PICK UP, CHEER UP)如果你注意到了,我说了两遍。短语动词是由一个带有介词或副词(或两者兼有)的动词组成的短语,这个短语的意思与单独使用单个单词时的意思不同。(振作起来,振作起来)Let’s imagine that I am helping you with your homework right now, but I have to go out to buy something. I would say: “Let’s FINISH this UP later on.” I will help you to complete your homework later. So how do the verbs change when we add UP? What does UP mean in this case? We can determine that the word UP has three USES:假设我现在正在帮你做作业,但我得出去买点东西。我会说:“让我们以后再完成这件事。”我以后会帮你完成作业。那么当我们加起来的时候动词是怎么变化的呢?在这种情况下什么意思?我们可以确定UP这个词有三个用途:To Increase/To Move/To Complete增加/移动/完成INCREASE:增加:Imagine that you are watching television with your friend. As your friend changes the channel, you see your favourite teacher being interviewed but you cannot hear what they are talking about. You say to your friend: “TURN UP the volume please, I can’t hear what my teacher is saying. TURN the volume UP now!” – What you are trying to do is increase the volume so that you can hear it better.想象一下你和你的朋友一起看电视。当你的朋友改变频道时,你看到你最喜欢的老师正在接受采访,但你听不到他们在说什么。你对你的朋友说:“请把音量调大,我听不见老师在说什么。把音量调大点!“–你要做的是增加音量,这样你才能听到更好的声音。Now, let’s say a child wants to be able to drive a car. He has to wait until he reaches the legal driving age before he is allowed to drive. He might say “I wish I could GROW UP faster so I can drive a car!” – He wants his age to increase quickly so he can do what he wants to.现在,假设一个孩子想要能开车。他必须等到达到法定驾驶年龄才可以开车。他可能会说:“我希望我能快点长大,这样我就能开车了!“–他希望自己的年龄迅速增长,这样他就可以随心所欲。Your friend is talking to you about something that happened yesterday but she is taking a long time to tell you the story. It is a very interesting and exciting story, and you are anxious to know what happened at the end. You could say to your friend “Could you please HURRY UP and tell me what happened. I want to know the ending!” – You are asking your friend to increase her rate of speech so you can hear the end of the story.你的朋友正在和你谈论昨天发生的事,但她花了很长时间告诉你这个故事。这是一个非常有趣和令人兴奋的故事,你急于知道最后发生了什么。你可以对你的朋友说“你能快点告诉我发生了什么事吗?”。我想知道结局!“–你要求你的朋友提高说话速度,这样你就能听到故事的结尾。These are all phrasal verbs with UP that show increase.这些都是短语动词,UP表示增加。MOVE:移动:Now how can you describe movement? How would a verb change here?现在你如何描述运动?动词在这里会怎样变化?Let’s take a look at a couple of examples:我们来看几个例子:Imagine you are walking alongside with your friends, your phone rings so you stop to answer it. Then you realise that your friends have walked on quite far ahead of you and left you behind! That’s not so good. You will need to walk faster so you can CATCH UP with them and walk at the same pace again. You don’t want to get lost on your own!想象一下你和你的朋友一起走,你的电话响了,所以你停下来接。然后你意识到你的朋友已经走在你前面很远,把你落在后面了!那可不太好。你需要走得更快,这样你才能赶上他们,并再次以同样的速度行走。你不想一个人迷路!What does that mean? When we say CATCH UP, it means you will move forward at a faster speed than before.那是什么意思?当我们说追赶时,它意味着你将以比以前更快的速度前进。Right, let’s try to imagine this situation. You are sitting in front of a computer, and start to feel pain in your back. You need to SIT UP. Just like teachers used to say to their students. You need to alter your slouched position to an upright position to lengthen your spine, so your back doesn’t hurt anymore. So, SIT UP straight!好吧,让我们试着想象一下这种情况。你坐在电脑前,开始感到背部疼痛。你得坐起来。就像老师以前对学生说的那样。你需要把懒散的姿势改成直立的姿势来拉长你的脊柱,这样你的背部就不会再疼了。所以,坐直!What do you need to do in the morning when you know you have to go to work or school? Imagine, you are lying in your bed, it is a beautiful morning, but you need to go to school. What is it you need to? You need to GET UP.当你知道你必须上班或上学的时候,你早上需要做什么?想象一下,你躺在床上,这是一个美丽的早晨,但你需要去上学。你需要什么?你得起来。Here you would change your position again, sit upright in bed then completely remove yourself from your warm, cosy bed!在这里,你将再次改变你的立场,坐在床上,然后完全摆脱你的温暖,舒适的床!COMPLETE完成What about ‘complete-completion’ of an action?一个动作的“完全完成”呢?How much orange juice would you like? Would you like me to FILL UP the glass or do you just want a little bit? Yes, you would like a full glass, so you ask me to FILL it UP. Therefore when we say FILL UP, there is an intention to make something complete. FILL UP the glass to the brim or FILL UP your car’s tank with petrol.你想要多少橙汁?你想让我把杯子加满吗?还是只需要一点点?是的,你想要一杯满的,所以请我把它加满。因此,当我们说“填满”的时候,就有一种使事情完整的意图。把玻璃杯加满,或者把油箱加满汽油。Remember what I said at the beginning about helping you with your homework? I said I would help you FINISH it UP later. This action will be completed, as soon as I return home.还记得我一开始说的帮你做作业吗?我说过我以后会帮你完成的。我一回家,这个动作就完成了。Now we know all three uses of phrasal verbs with ‘UP’.现在我们知道了带“UP”的短语动词的三种用法。When you see a sad friend, what could you say to them? CHEER UP, my friend! BLOW UP some balloons and be happy.当你看到一个悲伤的朋友,你能对他们说什么?振作起来,我的朋友!吹一些气球,开心点。
Here are some more examples:下面是更多的例子:– A friend of yours is acting very immature. You tell her she needs to GROW UP (act her age, be more mature)./– When you’re getting ready to go to a special party you need to DRESS UP if you want to make an impression (wear a glamorous outfit).–你的一个朋友表现得很不成熟。你告诉她她需要长大(表现出她的年龄,变得更成熟)。/–当你准备参加一个特别的派对时,如果你想给人留下印象,你就需要打扮一下(穿一件迷人的衣服)。If that’s not enough, here are even more sentences that include phrasal verbs with UP:如果这还不够的话,这里还有更多的句子,包括短语动词和UP:– I always FILL UP my dog’s food bowl with dog food when I see it is empty./– My mother GETS UP at 5 o’clock every morning to go for a run./– We couldn’t find a Thai restaurant so we ENDED UP in a Chinese one./– I need to CLEAN UP my room./– Give me your phone number and I will CALL you UP when I get to your place./– I waited for my friend in the park for a long time, eventually I GAVE UP and went home./– She has MIXED UP all the cutlery in the drawer again!/– We have to WAKE UP at 6am on weekdays.–当我看到狗粮是空的时,我总是把狗粮装满我的狗粮碗。/–我妈妈每天早上5点起床去跑步。/–我们找不到泰国餐馆,所以我们最后去了一家中国餐馆。/–我需要打扫我的房间。/–给我你的电话号码,我到你家后会给你打电话。/–我等着我的朋友在公园里呆了很长一段时间,最后我放弃了,回家了。/——她又把抽屉里的餐具弄混了!/–我们平日早上6点起床。The above are all examples of phrasal verbs with a combinations of 2 words. As I mentioned at the very beginning, phrasal verbs can also be a combination of three words.以上都是两个词组合的短语动词的例子。正如我在一开始提到的,短语动词也可以是三个词的组合。Let’s take a look at some examples here:让我们来看一些例子:Imagine one day in the classroom, your teacher gives you a topic to write about. You ask him for suggestions on how to write the opening paragraph, but he says that you should COME UP WITH? your own ideas in order to show that you are learning and understanding the topic.想象一下有一天在教室里,你的老师给你写了一个话题。你问他如何写开头段落的建议,但他说你应该提出自己的想法,以表明你正在学习和理解这个主题。Your mum is preparing dinner and asks you to go into your baby sister’s bedroom to CHECK UP ON her and make sure she is sleeping comfortably. You should check to see that she isn’t crying or about to fall out of bed; make sure she is okay.你妈妈正在准备晚餐,让你去你妹妹的卧室检查她,确保她睡得舒服。你应该检查一下她是不是在哭或是要从床上掉下来,确保她没事。
Your friend is always talking about her incredibly clever dog, and it is starting to annoy you because she just doesn’t stop talking about it! You are FED UP OF hearing about the genius poodle. You have had enough and don’t want to hear it anymore.你的朋友总是在谈论她那只极其聪明的狗,它开始让你恼火,因为她总是不停地谈论它!你听够了天才贵宾犬的事。你受够了,不想再听下去了。All your siblings are intelligent and successful. Your parents have high expectations of you to be the same and make them proud. You feel under pressure to try really hard so you can LIVE UP TO their expectations. You don’t want to disappoint them, so you try your best to do what they expect.你所有的兄弟姐妹都很聪明和成功。你父母对你有很高的期望,希望你能和他们一样,让他们感到骄傲。你感到压力很大,要努力工作,这样才能不辜负他们的期望。你不想让他们失望,所以你尽最大努力去做他们期望的事。Phrasal verbs are mainly used in spoken English and informal English. I hope this blog post has LIVED UP TO your expectations! I hope you find it easier to SPEAK UP now. Let us know if you need our help! We are always here to help you!短语动词主要用于口语和非正式英语。我希望这篇博文没有辜负你的期望!我希望你现在更容易开口说话。如果你需要我们的帮助,请告诉我们!我们总是在这里帮助你!

10. 有谁知道这则新闻的出处是哪要英文的网站

这是2004年3月刊登在《奈特-里德报》(Knight Ridder Newspapers)的一则新闻。标题是"Romanian villagers decry police investigation into vampire slaying",作者是Schofield, Matthew。
MAROTINU DE SUS, Romania -- Before Toma Petre's relatives pulled his body from the grave, ripped out his heart, burned it to ashes, mixed it with water and drank it, he hadn't been in the news much.

That's often the way here with vampires. Quiet lives, active deaths.

Villagers here aren't up in arms about the undead -- they're pretty common -- but they are outraged that the police are involved in a simple vampire slaying. After all, vampire slaying is an accepted, though hidden, bit of national heritage, even if illegal.

"What did we do?" pleaded Flora Marinescu, Petre's sister and the wife of the man accused of re-killing him. "If they're right, he was already dead. If we're right, we killed a vampire and saved three lives. ... Is that so wrong?"

Yes, according to the Romanian State Police. Its view, expressed by Constantin Ghindeano, the chief agent for the region, is that vampires aren't real, and dead bodies in graves aren't to be g out and killed again, even by relatives.

He doesn't really have much more to say on this case, other than noting that Petre had been removed from his grave, his heart had been cut out and it was presumed to have been consumed by his relatives. Ghindeano added that police were expanding the investigation, which began in mid-January, to include the after-deaths of others in area.

"The investigation is ongoing, and we expect to file charges later," he said, referring to possible charges of disturbing the peace of the dead, which could carry a three-year jail term. "We are determining whether this was an isolated case or whether there is a pattern in the village."

Romania has been filled with news of the vampire-slaying investigation, and villagers admit there's a pattern, but they argue that that's the reason these matters shouldn't make it to court. There's too much of it going on, and too few complain about the practice.

Vampire slaying is a custom that's been passed down from mother to daughter, father to son, for generations beyond memory, not just in this tiny village of 300 huts astride a dirt cart path about 100 miles southwest of Bucharest, but in scores of villages throughout southern Romania.

Little has changed since the days that Turkish invaders rolled through 500 years ago, seeking the mineral riches of Transylvania just to the north. By day, the people are Roman Catholics. At night, they fear the strigoi, or vampires.

On a recent afternoon, the village's single store, which also serves as its lone bar, was filled with men drinking hard, as they explained the vampire facts to a stranger. Most had at least one vampire in their family histories, and many were related to vampire victims. Most had learned to kill a vampire while still children.

Theirs is not a Hollywood tale, and they laugh at Hollywood conventions: that vampires can be warded off by crosses or cloves of garlic, or that they can't be seen in mirrors. Utter nonsense. Vampires were once Catholics, were they not? And if a vampire can be seen, the mirror can see him. And why would you wear garlic around your neck? Are you adding taste?

No, vampires are humans who have died, commonly babies before baptism or people unfortunate enough to have black cats jump over their coffins. Vampires occur everywhere, but in busy cities no one notices, the men said.

Vampires are obvious when g up because while they will have been laid to rest on their backs, arms folded neatly across their chests, they will be found on their sides or even their stomachs. They will not have decomposed. Beards will have continued to grow. Their arms will be at their sides, as if they are clawing out of their coffins. And they will have blood -- sometimes dried, sometimes fresh -- around their mouths.

But the biggest tip-off that a vampire is near is his or her family, for vampires always prey on their families. If family members fall ill after a death, odds are a vampire is draining their blood at night, looking for company.

"That's the problem with vampires," said Doru Morinescu, a 30-year-old shepherd who, like many in the village, has a family connection to the current case. "They'd be all right if you could set them after your enemies. But they only kill loved ones. I can understand why, but they have to be stopped."

Ion Balasa, 64, explained that there are two ways to stop a vampire, but only one after he or she has risen to feed.

"Before the burial, you can insert a long sewing needle, just into the bellybutton," he said. "That will stop them from becoming a vampire."

But once they've become vampires, all that's left is to dig them up, use a curved haying sickle to remove the heart, burn the heart to ashes on an iron plate, then have the ill relatives drink the ashes mixed with water.

"The heart of a vampire, while you burn it, will squeak like a mouse and try to escape," Balasa said. "It's best to take a wooden stake and pin it to the pan, so it won't get away."

Which is exactly what happened with Petre, according to Gheorghe Marinescu, a cheery, aging vampire slayer who was Petre's brother-in-law.

Marinescu's story goes like this: After Petre died, Marinescu's son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter fell ill. Marinescu knew the cause was his dead brother-in-law. So he had to go out to the cemetery.

The first time, he was frightened, so he had a little graveside drink, for courage. He ended up with a little too much courage and couldn't use the shovel. So the next night he returned, and with a proper amount of courage, was successful.

Marinescu said he found Petre on his side, his mouth bloody. His heart squeaked and jumped as it was burned. When it was mixed with water and taken to those who were sick, it worked.

His wife, Petre's sister, interrupted his story with a broom, swinging it at him and a stranger. She was worried that he would incur the wrath of the police, who would jail him.

But then his son Costel called what happened next a miracle. After weeks in bed, Costel got up to walk. His head wasn't pounding. His chest wasn't aching. His stomach felt fine.

"We were all saved," he said. "We had been saved from a vampire."

But how could he be sure his illness came from a vampire?

"What other explanation is possible?" he asked.