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1. 電腦開機出現密碼鎖屏密碼怎麼取消


2. 怎麼取消電腦鎖屏密碼



3. Win7系統如何取消鎖屏密碼


4. 電腦怎麼取消鎖屏密碼


5. 筆記本電腦取消鎖屏密碼怎麼設置


6. 電腦設置鎖屏密碼怎麼取消


7. 電腦鎖屏密碼怎麼取消密碼怎麼設置


8. 如何去掉電腦鎖屏密碼


9. 怎麼把電腦鎖屏取消,不是取消密碼,如圖急急

搜索 圖片 地圖 新聞 雲端硬碟 日歷 翻譯 相冊 更多 ▼視頻Google 文檔更多 »翻譯英語中文德語檢測語言英語—檢測語言—阿爾巴尼亞語阿拉伯語亞塞拜然語愛爾蘭語愛沙尼亞語巴斯克語白俄羅斯語保加利亞語冰島語波蘭語波斯尼亞語波斯語布爾語(南非荷蘭語)丹麥語德語俄語法語菲律賓語芬蘭語高棉語喬治亞語古吉拉特語哈薩克語海地克里奧爾語韓語豪薩語荷蘭語加利西亞語加泰羅尼亞語捷克語卡納達語克羅埃西亞語拉丁語拉脫維亞語寮國語立陶宛語羅馬尼亞語馬爾加什語馬爾他語馬拉地語馬拉雅拉姆語馬來語馬其頓語毛利語蒙古語孟加拉語緬甸語苗語南非祖魯語尼泊爾語挪威語旁遮普語葡萄牙語齊切瓦語日語瑞典語塞爾維亞語塞索托語僧伽羅語世界語斯洛伐克語斯洛維尼亞語斯瓦希里語宿務語索馬里語塔吉克語泰盧固語泰米爾語泰語土耳其語威爾士語烏爾都語烏克蘭語烏茲別克語希伯來語希臘語西班牙語匈牙利語亞美尼亞語伊博語義大利語意第緒語印地語印尼巽他語印尼語印尼爪哇語英語約魯巴語越南語中文 中文(簡體)英語日語中文(簡體)—阿爾巴尼亞語阿拉伯語亞塞拜然語愛爾蘭語愛沙尼亞語巴斯克語白俄羅斯語保加利亞語冰島語波蘭語波斯尼亞語波斯語布爾語(南非荷蘭語)丹麥語德語俄語法語菲律賓語芬蘭語高棉語喬治亞語古吉拉特語哈薩克語海地克里奧爾語韓語豪薩語荷蘭語加利西亞語加泰羅尼亞語捷克語卡納達語克羅埃西亞語拉丁語拉脫維亞語寮國語立陶宛語羅馬尼亞語馬爾加什語馬爾他語馬拉地語馬拉雅拉姆語馬來語馬其頓語毛利語蒙古語孟加拉語緬甸語苗語南非祖魯語尼泊爾語挪威語旁遮普語葡萄牙語齊切瓦語日語瑞典語塞爾維亞語塞索托語僧伽羅語世界語斯洛伐克語斯洛維尼亞語斯瓦希里語宿務語索馬里語塔吉克語泰盧固語泰米爾語泰語土耳其語威爾士語烏爾都語烏克蘭語烏茲別克語希伯來語希臘語西班牙語匈牙利語亞美尼亞語伊博語義大利語意第緒語印地語印尼巽他語印尼語印尼爪哇語英語約魯巴語越南語中文(繁體)中文(簡體) 翻譯文字或網頁If you install Windows XP, Administrator password is set to null. You can press F8 when the system is booted in safe mode, Administrator password here is empty, you can directly enter into the account and password settings can <BR> <BR> <BR> If the Administrator password must meet the following Conditions: <BR> <BR> <BR> 1. Windows XP is installed using the FAT32 file system partition must; <BR> <BR> <BR> 2. There are no user name characters. <BR> <BR> <BR> After confirming two conditions are met, you can perform the following steps: <BR> <BR> <BR> 1. boot Win XP, when you run into the "Starting Windows XP" of When prompted interface, press "F8" key to bring up the system boot selection menu, select "Safe Mode with Command Line"; <BR> <BR> <BR> 2. When the operation is stopped, it will list the "Administrator" and other users The selection menu (other users newuser_name example), select "Administrator" Enter, enter the command line mode; <BR> <BR> <BR> 3. Type the command "" net user newuser_name password / ADD "This is a change The user password command, the command of the "password" is the new password changed, if you type the user does not exist (newuser_name), then the system will automatically add the user (of course, if there is a system will prompt the user name information.); <BR> <BR> <BR> course, this can also be considered done, but permission to establish a user name is limited, so in order to change their system, or re-find that their previous account (password), you need to just established a new level of user promoted to administrator level, so that it has administrative privileges. <BR> <BR> <BR> 4. You can also use "net 1oca1group administrator newuser_name / ADD" command to newuser_name promoted this user superuser, you can have all the permissions. <BR> <BR> <BR> 5. The last step is to restart the computer, enter just change the new password in the login window can be successfully landed. <BR> <BR> < . BR> If NTFS, then you can use to identify a NTFS partition tool to achieve as NTFS FOR DOS and then perform the following operations <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> delete c:.. windows / system32 / config / system <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / software <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / sam <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / security <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / default <BR> <BR> <BR> c: windows / repair / system c: windows / system32 / configs / ystem <BR> c: windows / repair / software c: windows / system32 / config / software <BR> c: windows / repair / sam c: windows / system32 / config / sam <BR> c: windows / repair / security c: windows / system32 / config / security <BR> c: windows / repair / default c:. windows / system32 / config / default <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> If you have a al system, but another system can normally enter, then it would be very simple Just put c: software, <BR> system, <BR> security, <BR> default, <BR> and sam <BR> windowsrepair under five file ing c:. Under windowssystem32config overwrite the original file. <BR> can restart! <BR> <BR> <BR> course. With this method disadvantage is obvious, because the state of the system is the initial installation time. This time, maybe your sound card drivers, etc. are not yet installed. Graphics also need to reconfigure. may have to install some drivers. Most of your previous configuration of the system optimization will disappear as the property of Advanced System Settings in the virtual memory settings. service startup settings, etc .. etc. in the Control Panel Add or Remove Programs will be lost in the vast majority of displays. (depending on how much time the system is installed you have installed the software) Fortunately, most of the program to run correctly. There is a small part of the software needed reinstall it. In particular, some proceres to service mode loaded as Kaspersky and so on. 請鍵入文字或網站地址,或者上傳文檔。取消 如果你安裝了Windows XP,管理員密碼設置為空。<span title="You can press F8 when the system is booted in safe mode, Administrator prtE),c.tick("tbnd_","_tbnd",d))),null==a&&b.gtbExternal&&(a=b.gtbExternal.pageT()),null==a&&b.external&&(a=b.external.pageT,c&&0<d&&(c.tick("_tbnd",void 0,b.external.startE),c.tick("tbnd_","_tbnd",d))),a&&(b.jstiming.pt=a)}catch(k){}})();})();
搜索 圖片 地圖 新聞 雲端硬碟 日歷 翻譯 相冊 更多 ▼視頻Google 文檔更多 »翻譯英語中文德語檢測語言英語—檢測語言—阿爾巴尼亞語阿拉伯語亞塞拜然語愛爾蘭語愛沙尼亞語巴斯克語白俄羅斯語保加利亞語冰島語波蘭語波斯尼亞語波斯語布爾語(南非荷蘭語)丹麥語德語俄語法語菲律賓語芬蘭語高棉語喬治亞語古吉拉特語哈薩克語海地克里奧爾語韓語豪薩語荷蘭語加利西亞語加泰羅尼亞語捷克語卡納達語克羅埃西亞語拉丁語拉脫維亞語寮國語立陶宛語羅馬尼亞語馬爾加什語馬爾他語馬拉地語馬拉雅拉姆語馬來語馬其頓語毛利語蒙古語孟加拉語緬甸語苗語南非祖魯語尼泊爾語挪威語旁遮普語葡萄牙語齊切瓦語日語瑞典語塞爾維亞語塞索托語僧伽羅語世界語斯洛伐克語斯洛維尼亞語斯瓦希里語宿務語索馬里語塔吉克語泰盧固語泰米爾語泰語土耳其語威爾士語烏爾都語烏克蘭語烏茲別克語希伯來語希臘語西班牙語匈牙利語亞美尼亞語伊博語義大利語意第緒語印地語印尼巽他語印尼語印尼爪哇語英語約魯巴語越南語中文 中文(簡體)英語日語中文(簡體)—阿爾巴尼亞語阿拉伯語亞塞拜然語愛爾蘭語愛沙尼亞語巴斯克語白俄羅斯語保加利亞語冰島語波蘭語波斯尼亞語波斯語布爾語(南非荷蘭語)丹麥語德語俄語法語菲律賓語芬蘭語高棉語喬治亞語古吉拉特語哈薩克語海地克里奧爾語韓語豪薩語荷蘭語加利西亞語加泰羅尼亞語捷克語卡納達語克羅埃西亞語拉丁語拉脫維亞語寮國語立陶宛語羅馬尼亞語馬爾加什語馬爾他語馬拉地語馬拉雅拉姆語馬來語馬其頓語毛利語蒙古語孟加拉語緬甸語苗語南非祖魯語尼泊爾語挪威語旁遮普語葡萄牙語齊切瓦語日語瑞典語塞爾維亞語塞索托語僧伽羅語世界語斯洛伐克語斯洛維尼亞語斯瓦希里語宿務語索馬里語塔吉克語泰盧固語泰米爾語泰語土耳其語威爾士語烏爾都語烏克蘭語烏茲別克語希伯來語希臘語西班牙語匈牙利語亞美尼亞語伊博語義大利語意第緒語印地語印尼巽他語印尼語印尼爪哇語英語約魯巴語越南語中文(繁體)中文(簡體) 翻譯文字或網頁If you install Windows XP, Administrator password is set to null. You can press F8 when the system is booted in safe mode, Administrator password here is empty, you can directly enter into the account and password settings can <BR> <BR> <BR> If the Administrator password must meet the following Conditions: <BR> <BR> <BR> 1. Windows XP is installed using the FAT32 file system partition must; <BR> <BR> <BR> 2. There are no user name characters. <BR> <BR> <BR> After confirming two conditions are met, you can perform the following steps: <BR> <BR> <BR> 1. boot Win XP, when you run into the "Starting Windows XP" of When prompted interface, press "F8" key to bring up the system boot selection menu, select "Safe Mode with Command Line"; <BR> <BR> <BR> 2. When the operation is stopped, it will list the "Administrator" and other users The selection menu (other users newuser_name example), select "Administrator" Enter, enter the command line mode; <BR> <BR> <BR> 3. Type the command "" net user newuser_name password / ADD "This is a change The user password command, the command of the "password" is the new password changed, if you type the user does not exist (newuser_name), then the system will automatically add the user (of course, if there is a system will prompt the user name information.); <BR> <BR> <BR> course, this can also be considered done, but permission to establish a user name is limited, so in order to change their system, or re-find that their previous account (password), you need to just established a new level of user promoted to administrator level, so that it has administrative privileges. <BR> <BR> <BR> 4. You can also use "net 1oca1group administrator newuser_name / ADD" command to newuser_name promoted this user superuser, you can have all the permissions. <BR> <BR> <BR> 5. The last step is to restart the computer, enter just change the new password in the login window can be successfully landed. <BR> <BR> < . BR> If NTFS, then you can use to identify a NTFS partition tool to achieve as NTFS FOR DOS and then perform the following operations <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> delete c:.. windows / system32 / config / system <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / software <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / sam <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / security <BR> delete c: windows / system32 / config / default <BR> <BR> <BR> c: windows / repair / system c: windows / system32 / configs / ystem <BR> c: windows / repair / software c: windows / system32 / config / software <BR> c: windows / repair / sam c: windows / system32 / config / sam <BR> c: windows / repair / security c: windows / system32 / config / security <BR> c: windows / repair / default c:. windows / system32 / config / default <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> If you have a al system, but another system can normally enter, then it would be very simple Just put c: software, <BR> system, <BR> security, <BR> default, <BR> and sam <BR> windowsrepair under five file ing c:. Under windowssystem32config overwrite the original file. <BR> can restart! <BR> <BR> <BR> course. With this method disadvantage is obvious, because the state of the system is the initial installation time. This time, maybe your sound card drivers, etc. are not yet installed. Graphics also need to reconfigure. may have to install some drivers. Most of your previous configuration of the system optimization will disappear as the property of Advanced System Settings in the virtual memory settings. service startup settings, etc .. etc. in the Control Panel Add or Remove Programs will be lost in the vast majority of displays. (depending on how much time the system is installed you have installed the software) Fortunately, most of the program to run correctly. There is a small part of the software needed reinstall it. In particular, some proceres to service mode loaded as Kaspersky and so on. 請鍵入文字或網站地址,或者上傳文檔。取消 如果你安裝了Windows XP,管理員密碼設置為空。<span title="You can press F8 when the system is booted in safe mode, Administrator p