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發布時間: 2022-01-10 11:28:41

㈠ 我急需一篇北大法律英文網《信息安全等級保護管理辦法》的英文資料,急用,萬分感激好心人給予~~


Chapter I General Provisions

The first level of protection for the specification of information security management, improve the capacity and level of information security , to safeguard national security, social stability and public interests to safeguard and promote information technology, according to " Regulations on Protection of Computer Information System Security " and other relevant laws and regulations, the development of this approach.

Article 2 The State through the development of a uniform level of protection of information security management practices and technical standards , organizational citizens, legal persons and other organizations to implement information systems graded security protection , implementation of the work on the level of protection supervision and management.

Third level public security organs responsible for information security protection work supervision, inspection and guidance. State secret protection department is responsible for grading the work relating to confidentiality of supervision, inspection and guidance. National level password management department is responsible for the protection of the work relating to the password supervision, inspection and guidance. Involving other functional departments under the jurisdiction of the matter , the relevant departments in accordance with national laws and regulations to manage. Information Office of the State Council Informatization Leading Group and local level offices responsible for the protection of inter-departmental coordination .

Article information systems departments shall in accordance with the practices and related standards , supervise , inspect and guide the instry, the department or the regional information system operations , and use of the information security level protection.

Article operational information systems , the use of units should be in accordance with the scheme and its related standards , implementation of information security level protection obligations and responsibilities .

Chapter II classification and protection

Article National Information Security Protection adhere to independent grading, the principle of self- protection . Information system security protection should be based on information systems in national security, economic construction and social life the importance of the information system after the destruction of national security , public order , public interest and citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate rights and interests other factors to determine the degree of harm .

Article VII of information system security protection class is divided into the following five :
The first stage , information systems are destroyed, be citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate interests of damage , but does not harm national security, social order and public interests.
The second stage , after the destruction of information systems , will citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate interests of serious harm, or to social order and damage to public interests , but does not harm national security .
The third stage , the information systems are destroyed, the social order and public interests would cause serious damage , or damage to national security .
Fourth level , information systems are destroyed, would cause social order and public interests is particularly serious harm, or cause serious damage to national security .
Fifth grade , information systems are destroyed, would cause particularly serious damage to national security .

Article information systems operations, the use of units in accordance with the methods and technical standards for the protection of information systems , national regulatory authorities related to information security protection of their information security level of supervision and management .

The first -level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant national management practices and technical standards for protection.

The second -level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant national management practices and technical standards for protection. Safety supervision departments of the national -level information system security level information to guide conservation efforts .

The third -level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant management practices and technical standards for protection. Safety supervision departments of the national -level information system information security level protection supervision and inspection.

The fourth level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant management practices , technical standards and business specific needs for protection. Safety supervision departments of the national -level information system information security level of protection to mandatory supervision and inspection.
Fifth level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on national management standards, technical standards and business security needs special protection. Specifically designated by the State -level information systems departments of the level of information security protection for specialized supervision and inspection.
Chapter III Implementation and management level of protection
Article 9 - Information system operators , the use of units shall " Information System Security Protection Implementation Guide " embodiment level protection.
Article information systems operations, the use of units should be based on this approach and the " Information Systems Security Protection Grading Guide " to determine information system security protection. The competent authorities , shall be approved by the competent authorities for approval .
Interprovincial or unified national network of information systems can be run by the competent authority and determine the level of security protection .
Right to be identified as the fourth level above information systems , operations , and use of , or the competent authorities shall invite the national information security protection level expert committee review .(節選部分來自前瞻網資料)

㈡ 求一篇關於網路安全技術的英文論文

論文不會寫,最關鍵的是要把心態放正,一步步來,多看點範文,看看別人怎麼寫的,實在不會可以找別人代寫,我以前也一樣,最後找的NTA www.paper580.com。NTA這個站做的,質量還可以,順利通過了,希望對你有幫助

㈢ 中國網路安全法律法規用英語怎麼說

China's network security laws and regulations

㈣ 熱門單詞:「網路安全法實施」用英文怎麼說

"Implementation of the Internet Security Act"

㈤ 沒有網路安全就沒有國家安全,「網路安全」英語怎麼說


The top legislature released a draft cyber security law and began soliciting public opinion this week.

2015年6月,十二屆全國人大常委會第十五次會議初次審議了「網路安全法」(cyber security
law)草案,旨在維護網路空間主權和國家安全(safeguard cyberspace sovereignty and national
security),懲治網路違法犯罪,使網路空間清朗起來。Cyber一詞指「網路的」,如,cyber pal(網友)、cyber

㈥ 網路安全的英語作文

Recently, the news that U.S attack on China's Internet is always exposed. And the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our country. As a result, in the era of rapid development of network, we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively.
From my perspective, in the first place, we should call attention to our personal information. Not only do we not offer them at random in some strange websites, but we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous websites. Furthermore, it is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed. And it will make it possible for that network can run more steadily. In addition to doing some work by ourselves, the government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber security. It involves probing for deeply rooted reasons, devising creative solutions, developing high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision.
Although scientists still cannot overcome the problem completely, they are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber security. However, consciousness of cyber security should not decline. Only in this way, we just enjoy the convenience brought by the network.

㈦ 網路安全法實施用英文怎麼說

上有政策,下有對策.《網路安全法》實施確實給游戲工作室帶來了一定的壓力. 如果全手動的話,1:利潤降低,2:好員工很難找到.所以還是要輔助的.問題不大,放心的進行你的事業吧.

㈧ 網路安全的中文翻譯成英文

The security of network