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相冊排版哪個網站好用 2025-03-10 10:42:52
電腦網路斷開但能上網 2025-03-10 10:42:06


發布時間: 2023-10-29 13:09:33

1. 英語口語情景對話,網戀,A見網友B,十分好奇

A team of psychologists reviewed online dating sites and their conclusions are not promising. 一個心理學研究小組揭示了婚戀網站和它的前景不容樂觀。 Online dating might give you something, but it』s probably not a soulmate. 網上相親也許是一個途徑,但可能並不能達到彼此心靈的契合。 Most sites rely on what』s called an 「exclusive process」—they use an algorithm to find romantic matches based variables, from interests to fetishes. But now a team of psychologists from five universities has performed a systematic review. And they say that most claims for the power of the 「exclusive process」 don』t pan out. Their report is in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 很多網站依靠"專門方法」--使用運演算法則通過對不同人愛好和喜歡事物的分類來進行一次浪漫的網上配對。但目前,來自五個不同大學的心理學家一同做了一個系統性的回顧。他們認為這種「專門方法」根本不起作用。相關報告發表在公眾愛好雜志(The Public Interest)心理科學版面上。 The existing 「matching algorithms」 miss key variables for long-term love. They necessarily make matches before the parties meet. But studies show that the strongest predictors of solid relationships are a couple』s live interaction style and ability to handle stress.Data about characteristics like personality and attitudes cannot accurately predict how that real life interaction will function. 現有的「運演算法則配對「對於雙方長期的愛慕發展缺少了一個關鍵的不確定因素。在雙方見面前這樣配對是有必要的。但研究表明要保持穩固的雙方關系,需要他們彼此之間溝通和能夠處理問題的態度。數據則不能准確地測出人們在實際生活中的性格和處事方式。 The scientists also note that online profile photos are poor proxies for the chemistry sparked by meeting in the flesh. Which leads to a lot of disappointing coffee dates. And many potentially successful matches never happen. 科學家也指出網上的資料照片是實際見面之前一個糟糕的代替品。它會讓人們覺得約會很令人失望。這讓原本有發展的兩個人也失去了結緣的機會。 Of course the researchers admit online dating helps singles meet more people more quickly. And so might still lead to that magic match. But that』s statistics, not psychology. 當然,研究人員承認網上相親能夠幫助更多的單身男女尋找到更多的伴侶候選人,也可能會讓他們走向那神奇的配對成功體驗。但這僅是數據統計,並非是尋找到伴侶的成功數。