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小米4c共享電腦網路 2025-02-09 11:10:34


發布時間: 2022-04-20 03:50:11

㈠ 世界十大網站是哪十大


1. Yahoo!
Personalized content and search options. Chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager.
www.yahoo.com - Site Info

2. Microsoft Network (MSN)
Dialup access and content provider.
www.msn.com - Site Info

3. Google
Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages. The company's focus is developing search technology.
www.google.com - Site Info

4. YouTube
YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!
www.youtube.com - Site Info

5. Windows Live
Search engine from Microsoft.
www.live.com - Site Info

6. Myspace
Social Networking Site.
www.myspace.com - Site Info

7. Bai.com
The leading Chinese language search engine, provides âœsimple and reliableâ? search experience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China.
www..com - Site Info

8. Orkut
Social networking and discussion site operated by Google.
www.orkut.com - Site Info

9. Wikipedia
An online collaborative encyclopedia.
www.wikipedia.org - Site Info

10. 騰訊網(http://www.qq.com)
www.qq.com - Site Info

11. Megaupload
Megaupload is a "leading website of the world" for transferring files easily, with complete security and free of charge.
www.megaupload.com - Site Info

12. Yahoo!カテゴリ
www.yahoo.co.jp - Site Info

13. Microsoft Corporation
Main site for proct information, support, and news.
www.microsoft.com - Site Info

14. Hi5
Social networking site offering media sharing, affinity groups, and messaging.
www.hi5.com - Site Info

15. Thefacebook
A social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study, and live around them.
www.facebook.com - Site Info

16. 新浪新聞中心
www.sina.com.cn - Site Info

17. Blogger.com
Free, automated weblog publishing tool that sends updates to a site via FTP.
www.blogger.com - Site Info

18. Rapidshare.com
www.rapidshare.com - Site Info

19. EBay
International person to person auction site, with procts sorted into categories.
www.ebay.com - Site Info

20. Friendster
Friendster is a leading global social network emphasizing genuine friendships and the discovery of new people through friends. Search for old friends and classmates, stay in better touch with friends, share photos and videos, and so much more.
www.friendster.com - Site Info

21. Fotolog.com
Fotolog.com - a great online community of interconnected photo-weblogs. Make it easy for your friends and family to see what's up with you by putting your latest, greatest digital photos on the web in a daily journal format.
www.fotolog.net - Site Info

22. Sohu.com Inc.
Proces Chinese language Internet portal and internet communities. (Nasdaq: SOHU).
www.sohu.com - Site Info

23. 網易
www.163.com - Site Info

24. Google UK
The local version of this pre-eminent search engine, offering UK-specific pages as well as world results.
www.google.co.uk - Site Info

25. Google.fr
www.google.fr - Site Info

26. Почта@Mail.ru
Полнофункциональная почтовая система. Адресная книга, антивирус. Web-интерфейс, POP3 и WAP. Выбор из 4-х доменов.
www.mail.ru - Site Info

27. Google
Versão brasileira do buscador Google.
www.google.com.br - Site Info

28. Google
Suche im gesamten Web, in deutschsprachigen sowie in deutschen Seiten. Zusätzlich ist eine Bildersuche, eine Newsarchiv-Suche (ehemals dejanews) sowie ein Katalog vorhanden.
www.google.de - Site Info

29. 淘寶網
www.taobao.com - Site Info

30. Passport.net
www.passport.net - Site Info

31. Amazon.com
Amazon.com seeks to be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices. Site has numerous personalization features and services including one-click buying, extensive customer and editorial proct reviews, gift registries, gift certificates, wish lists, restaurant and movie listings, travel, and photo processing.
www.amazon.com - Site Info

32. Google Chile
Buscador que enfoca sus resultados para este país y a nivel internacional tanto en español como en inglés.
www.google.cl - Site Info

33. Google España
Buscador que enfoca sus resultados para este país y a nivel internacional tanto en castellano, catalán, gallego, euskara e inglés.
www.google.es - Site Info

34. BBC Newsline Ticker
Headline ticker will automatically update throughout the day with the latest news, sport, travel, finance and weather from the BBC. Available for multiple OS platforms.
www.bbc.co.uk - Site Info

35. 雅虎中國
www.yahoo.com.cn - Site Info

36. Google.cn
www.google.cn - Site Info

37. Skyblog
Outil de publication communautaire.
www.skyblog.com - Site Info

38. Google Polska
Wyszukiwarka stron WWW, grafiki, grup dyskusyjnych, katalog tworzony na bazie ODP i wzbogacany przy użyciu własnej technologii Google.
www.google.pl - Site Info

39. The Internet Movie Database
Features plot summaries, reviews, cast lists, and theatre scheles.
www.imdb.com - Site Info

TOM ONLINE(http://www.tom.com)
www.tom.com - Site Info

41. Яndex
Поисковый сервер для русского сегмента Интернета, разработка компании CompTek.
www.yandex.ru - Site Info

42. Flickr
Picture galleries available with social networking, chat, groups, and photo ratings.
www.flickr.com - Site Info

43. Universo Online
Acesso à internet e serviços agregados.
www.uol.com.br - Site Info

44. 無名小站
Photo Album and Blog 網路相簿及網路日誌
www.wretch.cc - Site Info

45. Photobucket image hosting and photo sharing
Provides image hosting for auctions, live journals, blogs, message boards, personal websites and online photo albums. Reliable, fast and very simple to use.
www.photobucket.com - Site Info

46. Google 日本
www.google.co.jp - Site Info

47. Craigslist.org
www.craigslist.org - Site Info

48. Onet.pl
Wiadomości z kraju i ze świata, baza danych firm i instytucji, ogłoszenia, pasaż handlowy, wyszukiwarka i katalog stron, czat, blog, randki, pogoda, konta e-mail i WWW, kartki pocztowe.
www.onet.pl - Site Info

49. Go
A searchable directory, news, stocks, sports and free e-mail.
www.go.com - Site Info

50. ImageShack
ImageShack® is a free image hosting solution. It can be used to share pictures with friends, as well as post images on message boards and blogs. It can also be used to direct link images from your personal website or online auction. And best of all, it's completely free.
www.imageshack.us - Site Info

㈡ 請各位大俠告訴我世界幾個大國的門戶網站都是什麼

門戶站點 Description 地區 Area
新浪 新浪 中國 China
Amazon Amazon 美國 U.S.
Barnes and Noble Barnes and Noble 美國 U.S.
Goto.com Goto.com 美國 U.S.
eBuy eBuy 美國 U.S.
CDNow CDNow 美國 U.S.
About.com About.com 美國 U.S.
Go2Net Go2Net 美國 U.S.
Women.com Network Women.com Network 美國 U.S.
KM KM 俄羅斯 Russia
Russia Russia 俄羅斯 Russia
Le Parisien Le Parisien 法國 France
La Tribune La Tribune 法國 France
Voila Voila 法國 France
Kataweb Kataweb 義大利 Italy
Virglio Virglio 義大利 Italy
New Poland New Poland 波蘭 Poland
Aladin Aladin 德國 Germany
Kdaily Kdaily 韓國 Korea
The Star The Star 馬來西亞 Malaysia
ICQ ICQ 以色列 Israel
Sky Sky 英國 U.K.
HispaVista HispaVista 西班牙 Spain


㈢ 美國有哪些大型門戶網站

MSN,全稱Microsoft Service Network,是微軟公司旗下的門戶網站。MSN(門戶網站)提供包括必應搜索、文娛、健康、理財、汽車、時尚等,滿足了用戶在互聯網時代的溝通、社交、出行、娛樂等需求。2014年10月1日,微軟現已正式推出經重新改版後的全新MSN門戶主頁,將面向全球50個國家超4.25億用戶開放。

㈣ 美國的門戶網站是哪幾個



2001年,有無數的網站關門大吉,網路神話的泡沫一個接一個的破滅,然而,美國三大門網站Yahoo, MSN和AOL都從優勝劣汰的演繹中生存了下來,還成為網路界的榜樣,甚至有人將它們稱為互聯網上的ABC(美國廣播公司),NBC(國家廣播公司)和CBS(哥倫比亞廣播公司)。

㈤ 誰知道國外的一些比較出名的門戶網站地址

www.hi5.com 世界最大交友中心
www.yahoo.com 門戶網站

㈥ 美國最大的門戶網站是什麼全世界最大的門戶網站呢

美國最大的門戶是 www.aol.com (美國在線)
全世界最大的是 www.yahoo.com

㈦ 國外有哪些門戶網站


㈧ 全球互聯網上訪問量最大的十個網站分別是什麼


1.Facebook.com - 8.367億獨立訪問者:

Facebook創始人兼CEO馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),在哈佛二年級的時候,發布了這一網站。起初這一網站僅向哈佛學生開放,但是後來逐漸擴張到其他的大學、高中,並且迅速獲得流行。

2.谷歌 Google.com - 7.828億獨立訪問者:

20世紀90年代末,谷歌進入了略顯擁擠的搜索引擎市場,並憑借快速的反應速度、簡潔明了的界面設計,迅速獲得追捧,在競爭之中脫穎而出。目前, 這一網站還提供包括Gmail電子郵箱、谷歌地圖、Google+社交網路在內的服務。它也引領了人們瀏覽互聯網的方式。

3.YouTube.com - 7.219億獨立訪問者:

2006年,谷歌收購YouTube,也讓這一網站迅速獲得更多關注以及明星的注意。從那時起,人們就開始對在YouTube上觀看趣味視頻充滿興趣,並且樂於在這里發現像賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)這樣的新藝人。

4.雅虎Yahoo.com - 4.699億獨立訪問者:


5.維基網路 WIkipedia.org - 4.696億獨立訪問者:


㈨ 國際著名的門戶網站有哪些網址是

華商門戶網很不錯 http://www.chinese-no1.com 我看了一下 很不錯 裡面有很多商界領袖