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計算機網路組成教案 2025-03-05 05:21:48
平板電腦二合一怎麼選擇 2025-03-05 05:21:18
vm虛擬機網路連接wifi 2025-03-05 05:15:42


發布時間: 2023-01-07 21:07:52

Ⅰ 共用用英語怎麼

問題一:與。。。共享用英語怎麼翻譯 share...with..

問題二:"資源共享"用英文怎麼寫 資源共享:Resource sharing
網路教育信息資源共享管理研究:Network ecation information resources sharing management research

問題三:「對方」用英語怎麼說? 對方: [ ì fāng ]
1. counterpart
2. other person involved
3. opposite side
4. other side
5. receiving party

1. 面對我們擺出來的證據,對方只得作出讓步。
After being confronted with our evidence, the other side had to back down.

2. 出示確鑿的證據之後,對方不得不作出讓步。
After being shown conclusive evidence, the other side had to back down.

3. 他們站在那,互相怒視著對方。
They stood there, glaring at each other.

4. 孩子們在游泳池裡互相把對方按入水中。
The children cked each other in the swimming pool.

5. 我沒有理睬對方的嘲笑。
I i雞nored the taunts of the opposition.

問題四:在用英語怎麼寫??? 10分

問題五:對的人 用英語怎麼說 是的。如果你想說男的,就是mr right.
對的女孩子就是 Miss right
不分男女的是 destiny,意思是真命天女或者真命天子。真命天子 和 真命天女 也可以叫做the one 【唯一】

問題六:其他用英文怎麼說 如果有比較明確的指定對象,用other系列(分為單數和復數兩種情況);不明確指定對象的時候用else.
單數情況the other/the other+名詞單數/another:
There are two boys in the room. One is 20 years old, and the other (boy)is 22.
There are three boys in the room. One is 20 years, another is 22, and the third is 24.
復數情況:others/other+名詞復數/the others:
There are 10 boys in the room. Five of them are 20 years old, and the others(或者說the other boys) are 22 years old.
There are many boys in the room. Some of them are good at maths, and others (或者說other boys) are good at English.
something else, nothing else, anything else;
someone else, no one else,nobody else, anyone else:
-Do you want anything else? 你還要些其他什麼嗎?
-No thanks, I want nothing else. 不謝謝,我不要什麼了。
-Is there anyone else there? 那裡還有其他人嗎?
-No, there is nobody else. 沒有,那裡沒其他人了。
What else do you want to buy?

問題七:一....就...用英語怎麼說 hardly... when...
no sooner... than...
as soon as ...

問題八:"肉"用英語怎麼說 meat
(食用)肉, 肉類
肉, (供食用的)獸肉, 肉體, *** , 果肉, 蔬菜的嫩部, 親屬, 人體
以肉喂(獵犬等), 使肥, 賦以血肉

問題九:翻譯:"工具使用完了"英語怎麼說呢? 使用完了是用沒了嗎,用完了可以用run out

Ⅱ "網路信息共享"英文翻譯是什麼

Internet information sharing (名詞結構)
share Internet information (動詞結構)

Ⅲ 網路的開放性和共享性, 英文怎麼說

the openness and shareness of network/internet(網路/網際網路)


電腦,這個20世紀陌生、新鮮的名詞,如今已經家喻戶曉了。隨著因特爾網的發展,一些不良信息也開始發展的一發不可收拾,導致網路有利有弊,甚至弊大於利。 利——當然是上網查資料,從而解決了生活和學習上的困難;還有就是,上網可以看一些新聞,了解一些最新的新聞,就不會落伍了! 弊——就是使人走向歧途,沉迷於網路游戲中,無法自拔。而且長期上網會導致視網膜脫落,有些甚至是猝死在電腦前。 所以,要規劃好上網時間,還要上安全網站,不能上有害健康的網站!要控制自我,少娛樂,多學習! Computer, this twentieth century strange, fresh noun, now has a household name. With the development of Internet, some bad information began to develop out of control, leading to the network advantages and disadvantages, and even more harm than good. Lee - of course, the Internet search information, thus solving the life and learning difficulties; there is, the Internet can see some news, to understand some of the latest news, it will not fall behind! Harm - is to make people go astray, addicted to online games, unable to extricate themselves. And long-term Internet will lead to retinal detachment, and some even sudden death in front of the computer. So, to plan the Internet time, but also on a safe site, can not be harmful to the health of the site! To control self, less entertainment, learn more!

Ⅳ "資源共享"用英文怎麼寫

資源共享:Resource sharing
網路教育信息資源共享管理研究:Network ecation information resources sharing management research

Ⅵ "網路信息共享"用英文怎麼翻譯

網路信息共享internet information sharing,這個最准確,network有歧義不好。但要注意片語性質和用法,只能當名詞和形容詞哦

Ⅶ 手機跟電腦共享網路用英語怎麼說

Mobile phones share the Internet with computers

Ⅷ 共享是什麼意思
